i am the one who knocks (embroidery no. 15)

i am the one who knocks embroidery

Well, guys. Today’s the day. The series finale of Breaking Bad. Today we’ll say goodbye–and good riddance–to The One Who Knocks. (See an embroidered version of him here.)

I have never enjoyed a TV show more than Breaking Bad, but my emotions can’t take any more of this. These last few episodes have been nonstop intensity, and the following week is nonstop discussions, and my brain is nonstop fried.

But what a ride, right? It’s been blast. I’m so excited to see the end, but I’m sad for it to be over. I am also worried for the mental health of us, as a group. Will there be a giant sigh of relief tonight? Or stunned silence?

breaking bad embroidery

I used green and brown to reflect the colors in the Breaking Bad credits. They are also reminiscent of the desert dirt in New Mexico. When Walt yelled at Skylar that he is the one who knocks, it was an iconic moment in television. We had a new phrase for evil, a new kind of bad guy. And I expect tonight’s episode will be a new kind of send-off–a finale that takes us to depths we haven’t seen before. I can’t wait.

I am working on a project to sew some of my favorite quotes and images from books (and TV). You can see the other quotes in my embroidery project here:

breaking bad (embroidery no. 13)

mini heisenberg embriodery

Today’s the day. The beginning of the end. I can’t remember the last time I was this excited about a TV show. It actually reminds me of when Harry Potter was coming out. The midnight parties, the internet message boards (remember those?), the guessing and wondering and talking in circles about how it would end. I love this kind of thing.

So in the spirit of my embroidery project, I made a tiny tribute to Walter White as Heisenberg. I thought about embroidering “I am the one who knocks,” and I still might. But his features are so perfect and distinct for an abstract image like this that I couldn’t pass it up. And I certainly would never say Heisenberg is cute but…

Continue reading “breaking bad (embroidery no. 13)”

breaking bad and what i wore

Breaking Bad comes back this weekend. On Sunday, Aug. 11, we will begin the final episodes. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I missed the boat on a lot of television until it was over. I love that I am watching this in real time and experiencing it with everyone else. People are buzzing, and I’m having a great time getting caught up in the excitement.

I was lucky to get tickets to a Breaking Bad panel last week at Lincoln Center, where I watched episodes that the cast chose, and then sat for a Q&A with some of the actors and the show’s creator Vince Gilligan.

To say it was fun and interesting would be like calling Breaking Bad mildly exciting.

Continue reading “breaking bad and what i wore”