


chips and dip

star wars #raesdrawing

I have been doing a lot of drawing/painting practice (follow along with #raesdrawings), hanging out with #fatcat, watching the original Star Wars movies, and a little bit of exploring around Lake Michigan and Chicago. It’s been a busy summer already and summer just officially started.

We’re going on our annual family vacation this week and I’m very excited. I’m still reading Mr. Mercedes, and I’m pretty into it, though I’m only about a third of the way through. I’m hoping to get some more reading and a lot of playing done on vacation this week!

snapshots: happy new year

holding my niece

cat nap

I’ve been traveling with friends and family this week and I can’t think of a better way to welcome the new year. Obviously the best part was meeting my niece, but eating our way through Columbia, Mo., and toasting at midnight with some of my favorite people was also fantastic. Hope the new year is treating you just as well.Continue reading “snapshots: happy new year”

pre-thanksgiving snapshots

Work is bananas, errands need to be run, and I’m getting ready to leave town for Thanksgiving. It’s a little nuts around here, but I’m excited for what’s to come this week. When I can, I’ve been working on crafts (only a few weeks left to knit the baby blanket!), playing with #fatcat, and indulging in pre-Thanksgiving pumpkin pie.

How’s your week? Everyone ready for Thanksgiving?

craft preparation#fatcatchristmas treepumpkin piebaby blanket knitting

out of town weekend snapshots

I spent the weekend in Chicago and it was the best. Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps) I was having so much fun I forgot to take pictures of most of the things we did.
We went to the aquarium, a college football game, saw friends, and ate really great food. We also stopped at a super cool comic book store and I picked up the fourth Sandman to read on the plane. Here are some pictures from the weekend–at least the few I did stop to shoot.







month in review: september

September is over! It’s time for sweaters and scarves and Halloween. September was another fun month with one of the most fun weekends of the year when I got to see my best friend walk down the isle. The top-viewed posts in September were:

This month I also completed one of my favorite projects I’ve ever done, a comic book inspired sweatshirt. I also got a haircut.

Some snapshots from the month:

ka pow






snapshots: wedding weekend




jewelsandmefirst look

cake and speech

I had the best best best time this weekend. It was a beautiful wedding. The weather was perfect. The people were wonderful. I am so full of love and not quite ready to re-enter real life. But Monday morning came on time anyway. So for now, I’ll just look at everyone’s pictures over and over again.

long weekend, in pictures

wall on the les


giraffe bag

staten island yankees


prospect park

Not only were all these pictures taken in the same city, they were all taken in the same weekend. But that’s New York, right? Variety everywhere. Parks and bars and artwork. Sweet food and sweet experiences.

I had a lovely weekend. Getting back into the swing of things is a little painful–like a harsh alarm clock after a really good dream. But thanks to a short week, it’s already Wednesday and I’m 10 days away from my best friend’s wedding. (An actual wedding, not the fantastic Julia Roberts movie.) So, I’ve got that going for me.

month in review: july

July is over. What a fun month. There were fireworks, rooftops, and friends. It was hot–super hot–but the weather seems to have chilled out for now. The top-viewed posts in July were:

Some snapshots from the month:



Continue reading “month in review: july”

vacation snapshots

Things I’ve learned on vacation this week:

1. Little kids are always listening and they will repeat what you say
2. Water gun fights take a lot of strategy
3. Florida sun is a lot stronger than New York sun
4. Sunburns, man
5. Saying goodbye to the people I love is SUPER hard

But I guess I knew all those things already. Check out some pictures from this really fun week!











this week in pictures

No embroidery this week because I’ve had company and a pretty bananas week all around.

view of manhattan from brooklyn flea

I went to Brooklyn Flea over the weekend. This is the view of Manhattan from the Williamsburg waterfront, where they host the flea market.

adorable towel

While I was there I bought this adorable towel now hanging in my kitchen. Look at that fat little penguin!

Continue reading “this week in pictures”