if you love me (embroidery no. 4)

if you love me then love me

Embroidery no. 4! We’re really hopping now. This one is also from the Dark Tower series, and from one of my favorite love stories. It’s from the book Wizard and Glass (Kindle version here) and you can see more of my thoughts on it in the posts on youth and echoes.

close up

It’s a truly beautiful story, and our heroine Susan and our (anti?)hero Roland go on a twisted, forbidden journey together. When they are unsure, Susan begs Roland, “If you love me, then love me.” To me, it means going all in, giving away your heart and never looking back. Roland has many regrets, but I believe loving Susan was never one of them.

If you only read one book in the Dark Tower series (which, why would you read just one?) I’d recommend this one. Like the other books in the series it has a different tone than the rest, but I think Stephen King’s storytelling here is just about perfect. The imagery, pacing and heartbreak definitely make it a journey worth taking.

if you love me then love me 2

For the embroidery, I used my smallest hoop–it’s a little more than five inches wide. I waffled between this blue and a pretty pink, but I’m glad I decided on the blue. I used Courier New font to make my design and aligned the text to the left. I wanted it to look like a love letter written on a typewriter. I like the boldness of the blue in the small space, and it turned out to be one of my favorites so far.

This is part of an embroidery project I am working on to sew some of my favorite quotes from books and post the images here each Sunday. I plan to hang the final collection on my wall. Let me know if you have any quote suggestions! You can see the other quotes in my embroidery project here: