yikes i wear a lot of black

I mixed brown and black again. What can I say, I’m a rebel. Also, I kinda like it.

To tell you the truth, I was looking for a lighter brown, skinnier belt. Then I realized I don’t own one of those because I haven’t bought one (don’t you hate it when that happens?). So instead, I used this brown belt, which was actually a belt that came with a different skirt. As a rule, I try not to use those belts with the item of clothing they came with, you know, to switch things up. Either way, black on black with brown all over can be a good look, don’t be afraid. Also: black with navy blue. These are rules you should play with, not abide by.

For night, I added some knits. It is fall, after all. (I LOVE FALL SO MUCH)

Ok so maybe ignore my weird face and look at the outfit. The skirt is sort of a fake wool felt blend thingy. Whatevs, it was 25 dollars from H&M and it looks like fall to me. The scarf I made myself. Looks cozy, no? If it gets much colder than it was today, I’ll have to add some tights.

Only 28 days until Halloween and I don’t know what I’m gonna be. If you have ideas for me, tell me please at raesdays@gmail.com, on Twitter, or on Facebook.

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