to do lists of the semi-adult: episode 13

to do lists of the semi-adult

One of my resolutions this year is to get rid of the clutter in my house. If I’m not using it and it doesn’t bring me joy, out it goes. I am trying to go slowly but persistently through my house, one drawer at a time (with varying success so far). Jewels and I talk about what we want to clear out of our closets and kitchens, and what we find the hardest to let go of.

Part of my inspiration for clearing out the clutter was a documentary on tiny houses. I don’t want to live in a house that small, but I do want to be mindful of the things I own and buy. Other inspiration came from some discussion on blogs I read about capsule wardrobes, which limits what you wear each season to cut down on clutter and excess decisionmaking that could be crowding your brain.

In between cleaning out my closet, I am reading Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy, which I am loving. Jewels just read funny books by hilarious women Mindy Kaling, Tina Fey, and Amy Poehler, plus she’s working her way through Joy the Baker’s new cookbook.

You can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Stitcher or by using our feed link. You can also always find them on my Podcast page. You can find me right here at Rae’s Days, on Instagram, and on Twitter. Jewels is at Oven Lovin, on Instagram, and on Twitter.